Various Coloured Natural Agate Rings, 6mm Wide, Size N


Shipping to United States: $15.01

If you're looking for a beautiful, tactile, colourful ring, then you're looking in the right place! These are beautiful rings, made from natural agate, and in such beautiful colours...

Agate is a wonderful stone. It has many healing properties. And it feels so nice, smooth and very soothing to wear. Grab yourself a bargain. In fact, grab yourself a few! They look great on their own, or stacked up in pairs or even more...

I only have a few of these bands in each size, so feel free to have a look through my shop and grab as many as you want or can; before they sell out!

Etsy buyers! Do you want to see more? Please go to and have a good old mooch of all my goodies... Thank you, Lou x

A natural form of silicon dioxide, Agate is a variety of Chalcedony.

Agate Associations

Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo
Planet: Moon
Element: Earth
Vibration: Number 7
Typical colours: Clear or milky white, white to grey, light blue, orange to red, black

Healing with Agate (Please seek medical assistance if you have a medical issue - the advice below does not replace professional advice, and is based on the beliefs of various crystal healing practitioners.)

* Love
* Abundance
* Wealth
* Good luck
* Longevity
* Acceptance
* Courage and strength
* Protection, security and safety
* Balance
* Harmony
* Generosity
* Appreciation of nature

Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities, soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.

Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.

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